Kunzmann BA 1100 L/H

A modern vertical machining center for universal use in the series production of mall to medium-sized batches
- BA 1100 L: Working range X/Y/Z: 1.100 x 750 x 650 mm
- BA 1100 H: Up to 900 mm extended Z-axis for maximum flexibility. Working range X/Y/Z: 1.100 x 750 x900 mm.
- FEM-optimization cast iron construction in cross table design, with C-frame holding the vertical spindle and tool changer.
- The BA 1100 comes with unique space concept that includes extra-large travel ranges, in particular along the Y-axis (750 mm) and the Z-axis for dynamic axis repositioning.
- Large ball-type linear drives, 40 mm X-, Y- and Z-axis, guarantee optimum stability.
- The pneumatic weight compensation in the Z-axis supports the ball-type linear drive and ensures additional dynamics as well as optimized surface finish.
- As the machine is available with a range of spindle versions, it can be easily adapted for various machining tasks.
- The large, quick tool changer (38 or 60 pockets) allow for efficient production with minimum disruption.
- All BA 1100 models come with a slat band chip conveyor and adjustable chip bath rinsing
Machining accuracy
- Polished ball-type linear drives in all axes for exceptionally high positioning and reproduction accuracy
- Constant spindle temperature thanks to spindle cooling system that is included as standard.
- Direct incremental linear measuring system protected by sealing air in all axes for high-precision production (optional)
Ergonomic design
- Easy access to working are through large front doors.
- Machine table at optimized working height (approx. 1.000 mm). The table can be moved to the front of the booth to bring the clamping table and workpiec as close as possible to the operator.
- The movable operating panel and the electronic hand wheel facilitate setup and retooling of the machine.
- The smooth internal walls and adjustable chip bath rinsing make the machine easy to clean and guarantee efficient chip removal.
- The overall design of the machine with lateral booth maintenance doors facilitates maintenance.
Modern CNC-high performance control for 3-D processsing of complex workpieces with a fast block processing time.
The control provides a hard disk as well as USB/Fast-Ethernet-Interfaces for a fast program management.
Extensive functions for graphics and simultaneous possibilities.
Especially Heidenhain TNC 640:
-Programming with Heidenhain conversational, DIN/ISO-Code
-DXF-Converter (option), load directly and convert DXF-files
Modern CNC-high performance control for 3-D processing of complex workpieces with a fast block processing time.
Model Kunzmann BA 1100 L/H X-axis (longitudinal) 43.30" (1.100mm) Y-axis (cross) 29.52" (750mm) Z-axis (vertical) BA 1100 L 29.52" (650mm) BA1100 H 35.43" (900mm) Main spindle drive (100% / 40%) 10.0/14.0 kW Spindle speed range 10.000/14.000/18.000 rpm Tool taper SK 40 / HSK 63 Feed rate 98/98/98 ft/min (30/30/30m/min) Rapid traverse X-/Y-axis 98/98/98 ft/min (30/30/30m/min) Contouring Control TNC 640 (840 D sl ShopMill opt.) Weight 19,621 lb (8.900kg) Angular table, rigid clamping surface 53.14 in x 27.55 in (1.350mm x 700mm) T-slots 6 x 18 H 8 Loading ability 3306 lb max (1.500kg max) Number of tool positions 38 / 60 Chip-to-Chip-time approx. 3 sec Coolant supply through spindle 25 / 40 bar Attachment Size Kunzmann BA 1100 L:H.pdf 235.36 KB